What is in your CASK?

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What is in your CASK?

Market is one of the very few places where you can perform at the best of your ability, without the shadow of a BOSS Man!
Where you are in charge of your money, your selection of equity and your execution!

Ability to do what?

To be in the game of investing and managing goal. Simply, that means making money.

However, lots of participants fail to achieve their goal and destroy their dreams. Simply, that means losing money.
The one and only reason of their failure is " they tend to run before they know how to walk. "
That's when you need to know your CASK!

What is in your CASK?

CASK "a wooden barrel containing alcoholic drink"

Well, our CASK is full of clarity. Matter of fact it's a crystal clear clarity.

Criteria, Acumen, Skills and Ke' pas-i-tee?


Ask yourselves a simple question. Why do I want to be in the market for?

A. To grow capital.

B. To generate income from investment.

C. To preserve capital.

D. Or all of above,(It means, it is a well balanced portfolio..)

Now, you have your reason (criteria) for being in the market.


It's all about understanding and accepting the fact of difference between the stock and the company.

Ability to pick out stocks or instruments according to your goal .

Ability to envisage catalyst.

Ability to foresee an opportunity.


Ability to read charts, and make a judgment call towards its future path.

Understanding of crowd psychology behind the price action.

Position sizing & Trade management

Capacity (Ke' pas-i-tee)

How many hours a day can you dedicate to the market?
Or perhaps more likely,
How many hours a week can you dedicate to the market and business of investing and researching on the equities? By knowing your capacity you can decide on your investment time frame.

Written by: Raj Patel37618

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Lucid Trend Following System

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Data provided by Financial Modeling Prep Current Server Time : 02:19

Quote File Last updated : 05/02/2024 @ 15:47, EOD data will be updated today after 18:00
System Status14 : System updated on 05/02/2024, at 19:53

What is in your CASK?

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