Why Invest in the Market? Four Reasons

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Why Invest in the Market? Four Reasons

In our lifetime, it's considered "lucky" when a great opportunity falls into your lap. I had one such opportunity come to me during a New Year's Eve party in 1991. At the party I was asked to join a small company as an Office Junior, and although it involved certain lifestyle changes that were not ideal: working in the city of London, commuting to work, and a small salary that meant I had to keep my part time job going in order to support my new full time gig, it was an opportunity to acquire skills I did not have. So, I seized the opportunity with both hands even though it was not economically viable to accept the job.

I worked there for three years, and it's still the only opportunity that ever landed in my lap. What have I been up to since then? Creating my own opportunities. What does this have to do with investing? Well, investing in the market gives those "fall in your lap" opportunities to anyone who is humble and prepared. I honestly believe that!

Four Reasons Why You Should Invest in the Market
1. Investing in the market allows you to create your own opportunity with as little as few hundred dollars. In most cases it allows you to purchase assets without predetermined minimums, which means that contrary to popular belief, even poor people can invest.
2. You can invest money in your passions. Let's say you're passionate about a biotech company, car manufacturer or a bank. You can own that company's stock with just a few hundred dollars, and participate in the demand for their product or service while profiting from it in the future.
3. In most jobs, you get paid for the work you do. It is not that you're not capable of earning more money, but your salary is the going rate for the skills you have and what the company feels like paying you. You can make money investing in the market based on your own capacity, skills, performance and acumen without any type of salary cap or earnings ceiling.
4. Investing in the market is passive income, meaning you can earn money while you sleep, while you work your full-time job, or watch television. You don't have to give up your "day job" to learn how to invest or to start earning money. You just need to be able to read, pay attention, and conduct solid research.

Something to Remember In investing:

Your capacity is only measured by how many hours a day you're prepared to dedicate to trade. or more likely how many hours a week you are willing to commite to market!
Your skills are your trading strategy. What skills do you have that would lend themselves well to being an investor?
Your performance is measured by your ability to achieve the goals you set for yourself.
Your acumen is demonstrated by your ability to pick out stocks.

Because of this, I find investing to be incredibly freeing in terms of the limitless earning opportunities.
Written by: Raj Patel37351

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Why Invest in the Market? Four Reasons

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